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This Easter at Beech Hill Church
Sunday 24 March 2024
Palm Sunday Morning | 10:30am-11:45am | ‘Death’
Why does Christianity focus so much on Jesus death, rather than his life? Wasn’t it just some tragic accident? Some miscarriage of justice? Join us as we begin the first part of our three part Easter series on the implications for us of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension. Passage: Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Thursday 28 March 2024
The Lord’s Supper and Prayer | 8pm-9pm | Upstairs at the Building
We’ll be meeting together upstairs in our church building at 8pm-9pm to remember Jesus’ death in bread and wine, and to pray together.
Sunday 31 March 2024
Easter Sunday Morning | 10:30am-11:45am | ‘Resurrection’
Join us on Easter Sunday morning as we look together at and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The children will have their own teaching in our kids’ groups. Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:1-20
After the service there’ll be an Easter Egg Hunt especially for the children.
Easter Sunday Evening | 5pm-6pm | ‘Ascension’
The final part of a three part series on Jesus’ death resurrection and ascension. What does it matter that the Bible teaches that Jesus ascended into Heaven after his resurrection? What was the point? What does it have to do with me now? Passage: Hebrews 8:1-7
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- JellyBeans (3-6s)
- Cool Beans (4-11s)
- Pioneers (11-16s)