Time & Location
5pm-6:30pm at Beech Hill Church.
The Month at a Glance
1st Sunday of the Month | Bring and Share |
2nd Sunday of the Month | Toast and Training |
3rd Sunday of the Month | Soup, Bread and Wine |
4th Sunday of the Month | Prayer and Pizza |
(5th Sunday of the Month) | Hot Potatoes |
The Usual Format
The format of a Sunday evening is a little different from a Sunday morning:
17:00-17:30 | Songs, readings, prayers and a talk from the Bible |
17:30-18:00 | A meal together around tables |
18:00-18:30 | Something extra (see below) |
The first part of the meeting forms a mini service with songs and a Bible talk. The Bible talks are a little different from Sundays mornings; a bit shorter and giving time to more contemporary topics or doing things like looking at whole books of the Bible in one go.
Bring and Share
Everyone brings food and we share it for the meal. The ‘extra’ is a time of sharing encouragements, prayers or readings.
Toast and Training
We share a meal of beans on toast (and other toppings). The format for Toast and Training is a bit different as the songs and readings happen throughout punctuated with videos and discussion around tables.
Soup, Bread and Wine
We share a meal of soup and bread, Then we spend a bit longer than we normally have time for in a morning around the Lord’s Table with bread and wine.
Prayer and Pizza
We share pizza together for the meal. Then extra part is a time of prayer around tables and all together for God’s mission in our church and around the globe.
Hot Potatoes
We have varied a bit on what we do on the fifth Sunday of the month. At the moment we enjoy a meal of jacket potatoes together and think about how we can explain tricker parts of the Christian message to others.
Children & Toddlers
Different from a Sunday morning there are no children’s groups on a Sunday evening, but if there are little ones with us we put out a table with toys and activities at the back of the hall to keep them occupied. The idea is that the evening is quite fast paced too- so there’s no much time for younger ones to get bored or fractious.
Where to Park
Beech Hill Car Park is right opposite our new building. Parking is free on a Sunday.
Find out more
- Sundays
- Sunday Mornings
- Sunday Evenings
- Children's Groups
- Midweek Groups
- Home Groups
- Wednesday@2
- Men & Women
- Women@Beech Hill
- Men's Breakfasts
- Children
- Tots & Toys (0-3s)
- JellyBeans (3-6s)
- Cool Beans (4-11s)
- Pioneers (11-16s)