Wednesday at 2 is a low-key, no frills Bible study held every Wednesday at 2pm at our church building during school term times.
Tailored to whoever’s there, no prior knowledge is expected and each week is stand alone. So come and join us for a hot drink and gain a better understanding of the Bible for yourself.
There may be occasional weeks we don’t meet for a study. If you want to check please get in touch.
Find out more
- Sundays
- Sunday Mornings
- Sunday Evenings
- Children's Groups
- Midweek Groups
- Home Groups
- Wednesday@2
- Men & Women
- Women@Beech Hill
- Men's Breakfasts
- Children
- Tots & Toys (0-3s)
- JellyBeans (3-6s)
- Cool Beans (4-11s)
- Pioneers (11-16s)